English 1

Cell phone effect

Cell Phone Effect
Zoe Lambert
English 1

Sitting in Mexican Restaurant,I had just ordered. While waiting for our food everyone’s on their phone texting,play a game, or just checking Instagram instead of talking to each other.Cell phones and other devices have distracted us from our real lives.Furthermore, electronics have caused anti-social behavior and distractions.
Always being on the web is the reason antisocial behavior has happened to this generation,texting is a big trend now so why actual talk,our vocabulary has been shortened thanks to abbreviated words in texting.For example,A family play a board game on family game night and everyone keeps checking their phone every minute to see if they have a tweet or a Facebook notification. Everyone these days are too busy with their phone and won’t talk to anyone when they go out.
When in school students are always on their phones listening to music,texting,or searching boy bands on google.We are distracted by our cell phones during the day.For example,a teenage texting maniac’s phone dies while she’s in her most boring class,being distracted by her thoughts “who’s texting me”.When our phones die is when we are most distracted,phones can distract us when they are on as well, always worried about who’s liking our pics on Instagram or snap chatting crazy weird photos.
Therefore, we need to put the electronics down and talk to people who are not on a computer screen and leave our phone in our backpacks turned off so we focus on what’s important “REAL LIFE”.

Music’s role in culture

Music’s role in culture
Zoe Lambert
English 1

In the world of Oceana,everyone is apart of the machine,if someone steps out of line they’re sent to their worst nightmare “room 101”.Imagine our world without the joy of music,we would be slaves to Big Brother just like O’Brien forces Winston into the outer party.Therefore, music plays an important role in the culture today by bringing people together and connects with their emotions.
A world without music is like a world with out friends but when added music helps bind their hearts like glue.For example,a group of friends in a car listening to dead silence,until Carla puts on a catchy tune which makes everyone start cutting lose and singing.Music brings people together when they’re bored,upset,or just want to hang out with friends.In addition,while at a black veil brides concert,Zoe makes more friends and her dad helps her push through the crowd to the front of the pit,in which her dad had just as much fun as she did.Concerts can bring family and friends together can be and will be made at some of the concerts.
Just like music can bring people together music can just as well connect with their emotions.For example,a band nerd who plays the flute that loves music so much decides that she is gonna try to play rock songs on the wonderful high pitched instrument and now she is so passionate about playing any kind of music on her flute.Even band music can connect with peoples emotions just like music can save so many life’s from one song.In Addition,a teenage girl who is having a horrible day goes home and slams the door behind her,she puts on Scars by “saywecanfly” and slides down the wall crying as shes listening to the meaningful lyrics she decides to get up and brush it all off her shoulders.Music can save someone from making the wrong decisions and ending the pain that people cause them because the bands that write songs like that help so much more than people realizes.
Therefore,if music did not exist in this world everything would be pointless and dead like in the world of Osiona.



You might think i’m just
a regular teenage girl
with red hair
and blue eyes
But I know I am more
way more than that
not a boring windmill
or a fragile flower
i’m like the ocean
ever changing
When i’m angry
or mournful
When I start to scream and cry
I am the waves that crash
plunging into sea
But when I am buoyant
my waves start to calm down
and go with the relaxed mood
The moonlight rippling across
the surface
I am serene as the
waters beneath me
The red haired, blue eyed girl
is the ocean
a plunging, calm ocean that lives in the moment
Zoe lambert //15
English 1

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