To determine whether to overturn the principals decision about Stacks hair growth the school board will vote on monday at 7pm in the Administration building to see their decision.

“We have rules for a reason and we just can’t go breaking them anytime we want”.

Do to the fact that the dress code will not allow boys hairs to longer than the earlobe Stacks can not grow his hair out.

“I hope the board approves my request, donating my hair to LOCKS OF LOVE is a very special project to me”.

Stacks was motivated to donate his hair after he watched his 5 year old sister lose all of her hair last year during her chemotherapy treatment.

“She said the best way i could help would to be to grow my hair long and donate it to the group for a wig”.

The group’s president said the group works entirely on donations

“I was disappointed when Mrs.King turned my request down,Mrs.King said I should just have a fundraiser instead”.

There are other ways to help the LOCKS OF LOVE  organization,yes he could have a fundraiser and donated the money to help a well.

“We desperately need human hair for our wigs,every month we receive about 200 requests from families who cannot afford a wig for their sick child and every month we have to turn down about 150 of those requests”.

The group LOCKS OF LOVE need the donation of hair so they can make more wigs and not have to turn down people every month.


“Rules are made to broken and this is a good reason to break one”.

Rules are very important,but sometimes you just need to brake them for a good reason.