Author: zoe

Cover Letter





Theatre in the Renaissance

Warped tour

               Vans warped tour


The music festival Warped Tour will be held in the summer of ‘15,june-august for people to see their favorite bands.


“Last summer 2014 i went to warped tour around early june in Dallas,TX when i was at the time 17 my friend Blake Warren went with me.We met “For today” and there is a lot of crowd surfing going on.The bands are on a random schedule the order is posted the day of the concert and there are usually 8 stages with different bands playing and there are 30-40 bands total.It gets very hot and there are resting spots with water sprinklers all around the venue and monster energy drinks is all everybody drinks they’re more common than water.”~Drew Frazier


  Warped tour is a music festival in the summer in which it gets very hot and The lineup for the Warped Tour varies per each stop. Check your local date page to see what bands are playing at your show.Doors for Warped generally open at 11:00am and the show closes down by 9:00pm. Check the Warped website for your show’s info as some show start and end dates vary.

“In june 2013 I went to warped  in Dallas,TX with my cousin and mom.It was very hot outside and nearly had a heat stroke and i don’t drink energy drinks so i drank mostly coffee.The band I wanted to see the most was   set it off and i did discover some new bands such as “Front porch step” and “The story so far”.I really liked Front porch step.When the concert started a guy came out on stageand started yelling about Vans and Journey’s its like a big ol party . I’m definitely going next year.”~Kennedy Lobey

The schedule of the band’s set times are not set until the morning of the show so Remember to Get to the Show Early and head to the big inflatable at the main Vans tent where the schedule will be listed.Warped will be providing free filtered water at the Cool Gear Water hydration systems at each Vans Warped Tour stop this summer. Fans can fill up empty water bottles, soda cups or purchase a reusable water bottle all of which can be filled up as much as needed throughout the day. Note that fans are allowed to bring in one sealed water bottle when they enter the show and that can be continuously filled up at the station. Look for the “WATER” banner in the festival grounds for the filtration stations.


                                                       news story 2



Student applications are due monday,april 11 for governor Rick Perry’s new pilot school in Leaguetown.



“We have funding for at least two years.if this program is successful,I am positive that we can find funding for the pilot to become a permanent  school in this community and many others.”~Rick Perry,governor



If Rick Perry is successful with the program at Leaguetown, there will be more schools with this kind of program.



“To advance to community college, students must pass all exit test-English,Math,Social studies,Science and a Foreign language test.The tests will be hard,but i have no doubt our students will be prepared”. ~Marci Tucker, principal of early high school



Students that want go to college two years earlier must pass all the exams, but the tests will be difficult



“I will not hesitate to apply. Because of our financial situation i had planned to go to community college for the first two years of college and then move on to a four-year university. I never caught that school spirit bug. It would be a great to start community college at 16.” ~ Holly Daro,freshman



This program is best for people who are not involved in any extra activities.


“This new school sounds boring to me.Plus,I don’t want to attend a community college.I plan to play football in college”. ~Phil Howard,freshman



This school is for people who want to graduate early and go to community college and football is a extra activity.



“Leaguetown is so lucky to get this pilot program.A smaller school environment would be nice.I have 150 students this year,and it is a bit overwhelming trying to connect to each student.” ~Terry Updike,english teacher



Some of the faculty is excited for this new program and are wishing their school would have been chosen to do this idea so that is would be easier on them.

slope intersect


                           NEWS STORY 1

To determine whether to overturn the principals decision about Stacks hair growth the school board will vote on monday at 7pm in the Administration building to see their decision.

“We have rules for a reason and we just can’t go breaking them anytime we want”.

Do to the fact that the dress code will not allow boys hairs to longer than the earlobe Stacks can not grow his hair out.

“I hope the board approves my request, donating my hair to LOCKS OF LOVE is a very special project to me”.

Stacks was motivated to donate his hair after he watched his 5 year old sister lose all of her hair last year during her chemotherapy treatment.

“She said the best way i could help would to be to grow my hair long and donate it to the group for a wig”.

The group’s president said the group works entirely on donations

“I was disappointed when Mrs.King turned my request down,Mrs.King said I should just have a fundraiser instead”.

There are other ways to help the LOCKS OF LOVE  organization,yes he could have a fundraiser and donated the money to help a well.

“We desperately need human hair for our wigs,every month we receive about 200 requests from families who cannot afford a wig for their sick child and every month we have to turn down about 150 of those requests”.

The group LOCKS OF LOVE need the donation of hair so they can make more wigs and not have to turn down people every month.


“Rules are made to broken and this is a good reason to break one”.

Rules are very important,but sometimes you just need to brake them for a good reason.



To determine whether to overturn the principals decision about Stacks hair growth the school board will vote on Monday at 7 pm in the Administration building to see their decision.

“We have rules for a reason and we just can’t go breaking them anytime we want”.

Do to the fact that the dress code will not allow boys hairs to longer than the earlobe Stacks can not grow his hair out.

“I hope the board approves my request, donating my hair to LOCKS OF LOVE is a very special project to me”.

Stacks was motivated to donate his hair after he watched his 5 year old sister lose all of her hair last year during her chemotherapy treatment.

“She said the best way i could help would to be to grow my hair long and donate it to the group for a wig”.

The group’s president said the group works entirely on donations

“I was disappointed when Mrs.King turned my request down,Mrs.King said I should just have a fundraiser instead”.

There are other ways to help the LOCKS OF LOVE  organization,yes he could have a fundraiser and donated the money to help a well.

“We desperately need human hair for our wigs,every month we receive about 200 requests from families who cannot afford a wig for their sick child and every month we have to turn down about 150 of those requests”.

The group LOCKS OF LOVE need the donation of hair so they can make more wigs and not have to turn down people every month.


“Rules are made to broken and this is a good reason to break one”.

alcohol project

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